‘Joe and the Juice’ is not your regular business case and neither should the book telling the strategy of the company be. Therefore the aim was to infuse the design of the book with the same feeling as stepping into a physical Joe & The Juice shop, that is renowned for its vibrant, colorful and energetic atmosphere. By using the colors as encountered in the shop, Katharina incorporated design elements such as breaking up long text with quotes, headlining important phrases, and integrating big, colorful images that serves to distinguish this book from the conventional business literature. Also format and texture of the pages was designed to give the reader a more tactile experience.
Gyldendal Business
Art direction / Book Cover Design /
Book Layout design
Photography Joe & The Juice
“Da bogen »Mig & Joe« landede i min indbakke på redaktionen, blev jeg oprigtigt talt glad. Bogens visuelle udtryk med brug af fantastiske, entusiastiske billeder, den grafiske opsætning, det anderledes format, valg af papir og solidt papomslag var anderledes end de bøger, vi ellers modtager om strategi og ledelse.”
Claus Skovhus, Berlingske